Comparison between the Marshall and Robbins definition of economics...

 Marshall defined economics as a science of material welfare. It emphasized on human welfare through the attainment and use of the material requisites of well-being. On the other hand, Robbins's definition of economics as a science of scarcity and choice emphasized on maximum satisfaction while satisfying unlimited wants through limited means which have alternative uses. From intensive analysis of these two definitions, we find the following similarities and dis-similarities:-


1. Study of human efforts: Both Marshall and Robbins considered economics as the study of human behavior or efforts for the material welfare of human beings or maximum satisfaction of human beings. 

2. Study of rational man: Both definitions are based on the assumption of rational man. The function of attaining and using material things for welfare of human beings in Marshall's definition and maximizing satisfaction through the scarce resources in Robbins's definition can be achieved only by rational man. 

3. Wealth and scarce means: Marshall used the term wealth as the means to attain material welfare of human beings, while Robbins used the term scarce means to attain maximum satisfaction. In fact, the term scarce means is broad than wealth but the meaning and sense of these two terms is same.  

4.Welfare and maximum satisfaction: In Marshall definition, man should use the wealth for the for the material welfare of human beings and in Robbins's definition, man should use the scarce means for the maximum satisfaction of human beings. But the meaning and sense of these two terms is almost similar. 


1. Definition: Marshall defined economics as a science of material welfare whereas Robbins defined economics as a science of scarcity and choice. 

2. Classifictory and analytical: Marshall's definition is considered as classifictory definition because it classified human activities into different parts i.e social- non social,material- non material, etc.whereas Robbins's definition considered as analytical definition because it studies the behavior of mankind in relation to unlimited wants and limited means which have alternative uses. 

3. Social and human science: According to Marshall, economics is a social science and therefore it studies the activities of ordinary man who lives in the society. Whereas Robbins defined economics as a human science and it studies human behavior whether they live in the society and out of the society. 

4. Normative and positive science: According to Marshall, economics is a normative science and explains the facts not as they are but as they ought to be. Whereas, according to Robbins, economics is a positive science and explains the facts as they are but not as they ought to be. 

5. Practical and theoretical: It's assumed that Marshall's definition of economics is simple, easy to understand and practical. So his definition has human touch whereas the Robbins's definition of economics is theoretical and has different characters and it isn't able to touch human feelings. 

6. Applicability of different economies: Marshall's definition is applicable only in monetary capitalist economy whereas Robbins's definition is applicable in all types of economies whether it's capitalist or socialist. 


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