Why Robbins's definition is superior than other definitions?

 Economics is a dynamic and social science. Various economists defined it in their own way in different period of time. Each definition has its own importance and features. So we can't criticize them relatively. Although Adam Smith's wealth definition criticised dismal science, it had played an important role in prosperity of various countries of Europe and America. Later, Alfred Marshall redefined economics as a science of material welfare. He claimed that wealth is for the benefit of mankind and mankind is not for the wealth. In 1932 AD, modern economics professor Robbins defined economics as a science of scarcity and choice. Robbins's definition is regarded as logical, scientific and superior than other definitions of economics due to following reasons:-

1. Scientific definition: Robbins's definition is more scientific than earlier definitions. It doesn't classify human activities into material- non material, economic- non economic, social- non social and so on. It's based on logical reason and unlimited wants arise due to scarcity of resources. 

2. Universal definition: Robbins's definition is universal definition in the sense that it's applied in every types of economy. Similarly, it studies all types of human wants whether material or non material and studies all the activities of all human beings whether they live in society or out of society. 

3. Positive science: Robbins defined economics as a positive science and claimed that economics is neutral between wants. But according to neoclassical economists, economics is a science as well as an art which isn't practical. 

4. Wider scope of economics: According to Robbins, economics is the study of human behavior as a relationship between ends and scarce means which have alternative uses. According to previous definition, economics is the study of wealth and activities relating to the material welfare of social human beings. In this sense Robbins expands the subject matter of economics. 

5. Science of choice: Robbins defined economics as a science of choice. He said that economics suggests to an individual, society and the nation to obtain maximum satisfaction from limited resources. Choice making is the main problem of an economy which arises from scarcity of resources and unlimited wants. 


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