Comparison between the Marshall and Robbins definition of economics...
Marshall defined economics as a science of material welfare. It emphasized on human welfare through the attainment and use of the material requisites of well-being. On the other hand, Robbins's definition of economics as a science of scarcity and choice emphasized on maximum satisfaction while satisfying unlimited wants through limited means which have alternative uses. From intensive analysis of these two definitions, we find the following similarities and dis-similarities:- Similarities..... 1. Study of human efforts : Both Marshall and Robbins considered economics as the study of human behavior or efforts for the material welfare of human beings or maximum satisfaction of human beings. 2 . Study of rational man: Both definitions are based on the assumption of rational man. The function of attaining and using material things for welfare of human beings in Marshall's definition and maximizing satisfaction through the scarce resources in Robbins's definition can be ach...
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